Thursday, January 17, 2008

Assignment 1 ( Unit 2)

Five purposes of the Government:

Authority to make law
Adjudicate dispute
Issue Administrative decisions
Basic security
Public Order

Yes, I would be willing to because there has to be some control around, and if the government is not doing his job then someone should step up and take charge.If the government was not making laws then everything and everyone would be out of control.Without the government decisons and him not solving issues then nothing could ever be in place. I would join the revolution and make sure that I fulfill all of my duties.


Terica said...

Hey Alisha this is Terica just stopping by to say hi.U have a very nice page.

Terica said...

I like how you explained that you would help out with the government because of them needing some control around here, and that is so true cause these people act like the don't know how to behave without anyone telling them also there would be more crimes so yea i agree with you on your blog.

carrie said...

Good list, but be sure to use your own words (ex Adjudicate).

So you believe one of your duties as a citizen is to help maintain order? Valid reason for joining a revolution, but I wonder if a revolution would bring more order or chaos?

Good post. As is you earned 19/20 points. I love your picture in the header!